Submission of articles 2024-11-15T16:33:40+03:00
  • Requirements for materials:

    Materials are published in the form of mini-articles with reference list.
    Submission of materials and applications for reports until May 19, 2025.
    Materials should be sent by e-mail ( and made in MS-Word. Name of the file should contain surname and initials of the reporter in the Cyrillic script, word ‘publication’ and its number in case you have more than 1 report.
    E. g.: Иванов И.И. публикация 1.
    In the subject line to indicate "Turner readings 2025".

    The research work must have the following structure: summary, keywords, introduction, aim, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusion and reference list.

    Reports should include:
    The title of the research work in capital letters, surname and initials of the authors, name of the institute where they work including its legal status, departmental affiliation and the city.

    Page layout:
    The title of the research work – central position; a gap between the title and information about the author – 1 line; a  gap before the body of the text – 1 line. You are not allowed to use pictures and schemes in the text.
    Page size – A4, all fields – 2 cm
    Type – TimesNewRoman, size – 12, interval between lines – 1,5
    Pages, beginning with the first one, must be numbered using Arabic numerals in the lower right corner.
    Total volume – 3-5 pages.

    Bibliographic references must be cross-checked with the originals and given at the end of the work. In the text references are given in square brackets in the order of quoting: [1,2], [3-6].
    Bibliographic list is made in accordance with State Standard GOST 7.0.5-2008.

    Tables are numbered in case you have more than one, and are quoted one by one in the text. Each table must be provided with a title! Each column must have a short heading, gaps in the lines should be marked with ‘-‘. Information from some other sources should be supported with references. Tables should be given within the text, not on the separate pages. Duplicating of information in the text and in the table is inadmissible.

    Contractions. It would be better to use only universally accepted contractions (GOST 7.12-93 for Russian and GOST 7.11-78 for foreign European languages), avoiding new ones without any grounds for using them. Abbreviations should be decoded when used for the first time and stay the same within the whole text. Contractions and abbreviations in a table are deciphered in the notes.